Key Items

  1. In any space, we mentally categorize things into signal and noise. The signal, we often think of as affordances. What is here to be interacted with? Maybe there’s a couch to sit on, a phone to pick up, a candle to light on the dinner table, a magazine to read on my bed, some clothes to wear on the floor, a bed to be slept in.
  2. Whether or not we are able to keep a space clean depends on which things in the space feel to us like affordances. I’ll call these the room’s “key items”.
  3. For messy people like myself, I believe the key items are things like the clothes, the phone, the laptop, the magazine. The things other people might consider clutter. Because these items are within reach, all is right with the room. It’s serving its function beautifully, so why clean the room and rearrange it?
  4. For tidy people, I believe the key items are the furniture in the room. To me, the key quality of the arrangement “a laptop on a bed” is “the laptop is within reach”. For a tidy person, the key quality is “the bed is unable to be interacted with because there’s a laptop on it”. For them, the laptop is blocking the primary function of the room: its bed-ness. But I don’t perceive of a bedroom as a place for sleeping, I perceive of it as a place-without-purpose-that-has-a-bed-in-it-and-also-my-laptop. The laptop is usually more relevant to me than the bed (until it’s late at night), and I can sleep in the bed without moving the laptop, so it’s whatever to me. Again, to reiterate, my bedroom is not a bedroom, it’s a room that begrudgingly has a bed in it, just like it begrudgingly contains a laptop. And I like my laptop being nearby. The bed becomes a storage device, it loses its bedness very easily.
  5. I think tidy people have a clearer sense of what things and spaces are for. The bedroom is for sleeping. The bed must be bed-like. That means not being covered in things that are not bed. One can imagine them trying, like in a video game, to highlight the bed with their reticle and interact with it, but instead random objects keep getting highlighted on the bed instead: dirty clothes,
